O outro lado da lua

segunda-feira, abril 11, 2005


“I can be a nightmare of the grandest kind
I can withold like it´s going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby
And you´ve never met anyone
As negative as I am sometimes

I am the wisest woman you´ve ever met
I´m the kindest soul with whom you´ve connected
I have the bravest heart that you´ve ever seen
And you´ve never met anyone
As positive as I am sometimes

You see everything
You see every part
You see all my light
And you love my dark
You dig everything
Of which I´m ashamed
There´s not anything to which you can´t relate
And you´re still here

I blame everyone else, not my own partaking
My passive agressiveness can be devistating
I´m terrified and mistrusting
And you´ve never met anyone who´s closed down as I am sometimes

You see everything
You see every part
You see all my light
And you love my dark
You dig everything
Of which I´m ashamed
There´s not anything to which you can´t relate
And you´re still here

What I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go

I am the funniest woman that you´ve ever known
I am the dullest woman that you´ve ever known
I am the most gorgeous woman that you´ve ever known
And you´ve never met anyone as everything as I am sometimes

You see everything
You see every part
You see all my light
And you love my dark
You dig everything
Of which I´m ashamed
There´s not anything to which you can´t relate
And you´re still here"

Alanis Morissette, in So-Called Chaos


  • At 12:02 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Ainda não tinha tido oportunidade de visitar condignamente o teu blog nem de deixar uma pequena mensagem, por isso aqui ficam os meus parabéns. Estou a ver que a nossa turma é um poço de artistas... Continua assim, que eu também vou continuar a visitar.


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